
River Chiang (NCKU)

2009/06/22-Present, Coordinator of Division of Mathematics, NCTS(South)

Symplectic geometry, Topology

Tel: +886-6-2757575 Ext. 65126


Background, current status, and Modes of Operations :

Geometry here is understood in a broad sense which includes symplectic geometry, geometric analysis, and algebraic geometry. Research topics includes: moduli space of flat bundles, moment maps in various geometries, algrangian submanifolds, harmonic functions theory, geometric flow, mapping class group, kahler structure. in the past years, we had hosted short series of talks given by foreign visitors at NCTS(South) that attended by researchers and students thoroughout Taiwan including NCU, NCKU and NTHU. For the next period of NCTS 2009-2014, we plan to organize many activities together with Hsin Chu and Taipei. For instance, in 2009, we will organize an international conference in symplectic geometry in Taipei and a theme semester with lecture series on various topics in symplectic geometry in Taipei and a theme semester with lecture series on various topics in symplectic geometry at NCKU. Our long term goal is to have many informal meetings and inter-visitations among scholars in Taiwan and overeas. Such interactions are likely to lead to successful collaboration in the future.


Research foucs of geometry group in NCTS(South):

  1. invariant toplogical structure under symplectic reduction
  2. geometry and topology of the moduli space of flat connections over surfaces
  3. Hamiltonian manifolds and Lagrangian submanifolds
  4. ricci flow and harmonic functions theory on manifolds
  5. Higgs bundles on Riemann Surfaces