
Soon Yi Wu (NCKU)

Optimization, Functional Analysis, Linear Programming

Tel: +886-6-2757575 Ext. 65133


Introduction :

Due to the development of computer technology and mathematical science, Scientific Computation (SC) has become an indispensable means for solving problems in both theoretical sciences and engineering disciplines. Numerical simulation tools have increasingly become a vital component in the research as well as application of modern technologies ranging from environment, aerospace, materials, biology, to electrical engineering. Based on the support of NCTS, Scientific Computation has gradually received proper attention among the mathematics community. In addition to promoting interdisciplinary research activity with other sciences, the Scientific Computation program at NCTS also cooperates well with the PDE, Mathematical Biology, and Dynamical Systems programs in Mathematics Division.


Research Focus

•  Optimization and Numerical Computation

•  Convex and nonlinear programming

•  Infinite and semi-infinite programming

•  Vector optimization

•  Fractional programming

•  Optimal Control

•  Numerical Algebra

•  Partial Differential Equation