Invited Speakers

Chii-Dong Chen( Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica )

Title:Phase-Charge Duality of One-Dimensional Josephson-Junction Arrays in a Tunable Environment

Jeng-Chung Chen ( Dept. of Phys., National Tsing Hua Univ. )

Title: Possible observation of resonance conductance in a quantum point contact with a tunable channel potential

Yong-Fan Chen ( Dept. of Phys., National Cheng Kung Univ. )

Title: Single Photon Generation and Cross-Phase-Modulation with Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

Chi-Yee Cheung ( Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica )

Title: Some subtle issues concerning quantum bit commitment

Chung-Hsien Chou ( Dept. of Phys., National Cheng Kung Univ. )

Title: Recent developments in non-equilibrium condensation of microcavity polaritons

Po Chung Chen (Dept. of Phys., NTHU )

Title: Numerical Study of 2D Spin Models via Tensor Product States

Jiunn Chen ( Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Group )

Title: Correction effect in cobalt doped ZnO ?

Sien-Dong Huang ( Dept. of Applied Mathematics, National Dong Hwa Univ. )

Title: Rotated Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen States

Kentaro Kato ( Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NTHU)

Title: Minimax strategy in quantum hypothesis testing

Chao-Cheng Kaun ( Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica )

Title: Quantum transport through single alkanedithiol molecular junctions

Watson Kuo ( Dept. of Physics, National Chung-Hsing Univ. )

Title: Charge Sensitivity of a Radio-Frequency Single Electron Transistor Using Phase - Shift Detection

Shih-Yuin Lin ( National Center for Theoretical Sciences )

Title: Entanglement creation outside light cone

Feng-Li Lin ( Dept. of Phys., National Taiwan Normal Univ. )

Title: Entanglement measure on one and two dimensional spin systems

Alec Maassen van den Brink ( Research Center for the Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica )

Title: Quantum Dynamics of the Duffing Model for Qubit Readout

Chi-Tin Shih (Dept. of Phys., Tunghai University )

Title: Charge Transport in Cancer-Related Genes Studied by Tight-Binding Models

Ming-Feng Shih (Dept. of Phys., National Taiwan Univ.)

Title: Berry Phase and HBT Experiment

Kazutomu Shiokawa( National Center for Theoretical Sciences )

Title: Unruh effect on quantum teleportation

Wei Min Zhang (Dept. of Phys., NCKU)

Title: Quantum Decoherence Theory

Zheng-Yao Su ( National Center for High-Performance Computing )

Title: Quotient Algebras of su(N) and Their Applications