Tuesday, Jan. 22 |
Time | Name | Affiliation | Title |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch & Registration | ||
13:00-13:10 | Opening - Prof. Chih-Kai Yang 楊志開教授 | ||
Chair: Prof. Ching Cheng 鄭靜教授 | |||
13:10-13:35 | Prof. Mei-Yin Chou 周美吟 |
IAMS, Academia Sinica (中研院原分所 ) |
Interacting Dirac Fermions and Neutrino-Like Oscillations in Twisted Bilayer Graphene |
13:35-14:00 | Dr. Jhao-Ying Wu 吳兆穎 |
NCKU (成功大學物理系) |
Coulomb excitations of few layer graphene |
14:00-14:25 | Dr. Yongmao Cai | IAMS, Academia Sinica (中研院原分所 ) |
Stability and electronic properties of silicene on graphene |
14:25-14:45 | Coffee Break | ||
Chair: Prof. Tsan-Chuen Leung 梁贊全教授 | |||
14:45-15:10 | Prof. Feng-Chuan Chuang 莊豐權 |
NSYSU (中山大學物理系) |
Tunable topological electronic structures in Sb(111) bilayers |
15:10-15:35 | Dr. Chi-Hsuan Lee 李啟玄 |
NCCU (政治大學應用物理所) |
Surface states of Sb thin films adsorbed with impurities |
15:35-16:00 | Dr. Ching-Hao Chang 張景皓 |
NTHU ( 清華大學物理系 ) |
Reversable Rashba-like effect in the topological quantum well state |
16:00-16:25 | Dr. Tao He 何濤 |
IAMS, Academia Sinica ( 中研院原分所 ) |
First-principles design of 2D layer structure and functionalization |
16:25-17:30 | Poster Session | ||
17:30-18:30 | Dinner and Poster Exibition | ||
18:30-20:00 | CMRFG Committee Meeting |
Wednesday, Jan. 23 |
Time | Name | Affiliation | Title |
Chair: Prof. Guang-Yu Guo 郭光宇教授 | |||
09:00-09:50 | Prof. Vijay Kumar | Founder President and Principal Scientist, India | Semiconducting graphene and graphene-like layers of compound semiconductors |
09:50-10:15 | Prof. Chung-Yuan Ren 任中元 |
NKNU ( 高師大物理系 ) |
B-spline in surface systems: coding |
10:15-10:35 | Coffee Break | ||
Chair: Prof. Shiow-Fon Tsay 蔡秀芬教授 | |||
10:35-11:00 | Prof. Guang-Yu Guo 郭光宇 |
NCCU ( 政治大學應用物理所 ) |
Plasmonic excitations in quantum-sized Na nanoparticles studied by time-dependent density functional calculations |
11:00-11:25 | Dr. Ken-Ming Lin 林耿民 |
CCU (中正大學物理系) |
Plasmon Resonances in One-dimensional Systems: A TD-DFT study |
11:25-11:50 | Prof. Hung-Chung Hsueh 薛宏中 |
TKU (淡江大學物理系 ) |
Many-body effects in monolayer and few-layer nanosystems |
11:50-13:00 | Lunch | ||
Chair: Prof. Hung-Chung Hsueh 薛宏中教授 | |||
13:00-13:25 | Prof. Chin-Lung Kuo 郭錦龍 |
NTU ( 台灣大學材料系 ) |
Atomic-scale Modeling of the Low-k Organosilicate Hybrid Glasses |
13:25-13:50 | Prof. Chun-Wei Pao 包淳偉 |
RCAS, Academia Sinica (中研院應科中心 ) |
Multiscale Molecular Simulation of Polymer/Inorganic Nanocrystal Hybrid Solar Cells |
13:50-14:15 | Dr. Jen Chuan Tung 董人銓 |
NCCU ( 政治大學應用物理所 ) |
Searching for possible large PMA TMR X/MgO/X (X=Fe, FePt, ...) nanostructures from first principle study |
14:15-14:35 | Coffee Break | ||
Chair: Prof. Feng-Chuan Chuang 莊豐權教授 | |||
14:35-15:00 | Prof. Tsung-Lung Li 李宗隆 |
NCYU ( 嘉義大學電子物理系 ) |
Electronic structures of pristine and potassium-doped rubrene thin films |
15:00-15:25 | Dr. Yun-Wen Chen 陳韻文 |
IAMS, Academia Sinica ( 中研院原分所 ) |
The rule for wetting GaN (0001) surface |
15:25-15:50 | Dr. Yaojun Du |
IAMS, Academia Sinica ( 中研院原分所 ) |
First-principles study of vacancy diffusion and Au impurities in Zincblende and Wurtzite GaAs nanowire segments |
15:50-16:10 | Poster Contest Prizes and Closing |
壁報張貼:報到後即可張貼於理論中心二樓中庭,請於 14:35 前張貼完畢。
Poster Session 時間,請Presentater 於壁報旁,以便評審委員提問。
評比項目:Poster 內容及評審提問即席表現。
壁報規格請以 A0 (90* 120cm ) 直式大小為準 ( 與 2013 年物理年會相同 ) 。
Poster presentations |
No |
Presentater |
Title |
1 |
Tay-Rong Chang (NTHU ) |
Nearly 100% spin polarized non-degenerate Dirac cones and gating controlled topological phase transition of silicene and related materials |
2 |
Jhih-Rong Huang (NCKU) |
The single and mixed valence state of Mn in MnFe2O4 and NiMn2O4 |
3 |
Tsung-Ju Chen (NTU) |
First principles study of the oxygen vacancy formation and the induced defect states in hafnium silicates |
4 |
Han-hsin Chiang (NTU) |
Characterization of the Structural, Electronic, and Mechanical Properties of amorphous Li-Si Alloys: A First Principles Study |
5 |
Shih-Hao Hsu (NTU) |
Computational Modeling of Spin Couplings in self-assembled Fe-PTCDA Molecular nanowires |
6 |
Hsin-An Chen (NTU) |
A First-Principles Calculation on Single-Layered MoS2 Heterojunctions |
7 |
Wu Ming Jing (NCCU) |
Searching for possible large PMA TMR X/MgO/X (X=Fe, FePt, ...) nanostructures from first principle study |
8 |
Wei-Chih Chen (NSYSU) |
Ab-initio study of field emission characteristics of single-walled ZnO zinc oxide nanotubes |
9 |
Zhi-Quan Huang (NSYSU) |
Nontrivial topological electronic structures in single Bi(111) bilayer on substrates : A first-principles study |
10 |
Chia-Hsiu Hsu (NSYSU) |
Tunable topological electronic structures in Sb(111) bilayers: A first-principles study |
11 |
Kuan-Te Liu (AS) |
Ab initio structure and magnetism searching of Co and Ni adlayers on W(111) surface |
12 |
Po-Han Lee (The Affiliated Senior High School, National Taiwan Normal University ) |
Effects of Cs adsorption on the field emission characteristics of closed single-walled carbon nanotubes |