Beyond the static Density Functional Theory (DFT), Ab initio GW methodology based on the many-body perturbation theory nowadays is the state-of –the-art to explore excited-state of solids has been successfully applied to a variety of materials from bulks to nano-systems. During the implementation of different codes, BerkeleyGW (BGW) is a massively parallel computational package including many recent advances which pave a way to tackle both electronic and optical excitations of materials. In this miniworkshop, we are going to firstly introduce the fundamental theory of GW approach. Then, computational layout and performance of BGW will be discussed. Finally, different applications of BGW will be included to highlight the many-body effects in, especially, novel modern nanomaterials.
Topics of talk:
(1) BGW123 – I : Many Body Perturbation Theory : GW Method
(2) BGW123 – II: Quasiparticle GW calculations within BGW
(3) BGW123 – III: Many Body Effects in Nanosystems