Research Fellow,
Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica
Professor, National Cheng Kung University
Associate Professor,
National Cheng Kung University
Assistant Professor, National Cheng Kung University
- (with R.L. Griess Jr.) Dihedral groups and Sums of
-lattices, accepted(2009)
- (with C. Dong, Q. Wang and H. Yamada) The structure of parafermion vertex operator algebras, J. Algebra(2009)
- (with C. Dong,and H. Yamada) W-algebras related to parafermion algebras, J. Algebra, 332(2009), 2236-2043.
- (with H. Shimakura) Frame Stabilizers for Framed Vertex Operator Algebras Associated to Lattices Having 4-Frames, Int. Math. Res. Notices(2009).
- (with S. Sakuma) On a class of vertex operator algebras having a faithful
-action, Taiwanese J. Math, 12(2008), no. 9, 2465-2488.
- (with R.L. Griess Jr.) Rootless pairs of EE8-lattices, Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, 15(2008), 52-61.
- (with C. Dong,and H. Yamada) W-algebras in lattice vertex operator algebras, in Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics VII, ed. by H.-D. Doebner and V. K. Dobrev, Proc. of the VII International Workshop, Varna, Bulgaria, 2007(2008), no. 35, 25-35.
- (with H. Yamauchi) On the structure of framed vertex operator algebras and their pointwise frame stabilizers, Commun. Math. Phys., 277(2008), no. 1, 237-285.
- (with H. Shimakura) Ising vectors in the vertex operator algebra
associated with the Leech lattice Λ, Intern. Math. Res., 2007(2007).
- (with H. Yamada and H. Yamauchi) Vertex operator algebra, extended E8 diagram and McKay’s observation on the Monster simple group, Transactions of American Mathematical Society, 359(2007), no. 9, 4107-4123.